Tuesday, August 14, 2012

White Mountains Backpacking Prep - Choosing What to Pack - Summer Blitz Hike

What should I pack? The classic backpacking question. /// Taking a look at my preparation and hiking gear load-out for an upcoming backpacking adventure to New Hampshire's White Mountains. Actually, for this trip, we'll be pretty close to Maine as well, but I'll fill you in on those details later. For now I'll give you a look into my planning and packing phase. On this particular hiking trip we'll have a tight schedule. 2 days very far from home in fact (A "Blitz Hike" as we like to call it), so our goal is to keep things lightweight. This should increase our ability to knock out miles, and give us a decent margin of error (*something* will always go wrong), since we kind of need to be back at work 500 miles away after our 2 days off. Now, we're no where near ultra-light yet, which is typically defined as a base weight (gear excluding food and water) of under 10 pounds. We aimed more for the realm of lightweight, typically defined as a base weight of under 20 pounds. I almost made it ringing in at 21 pounds base (Camera gear is a real SOB), and Mike clocked in at 23. My total weight (includes food and water) was 29lb. Mike's was 33lb, which is pretty much accounted for by the fact that his larger pack was about 2.5lbs heavier and he had to carry about a pound more food due to his higher body mass. Another first for this trip was that fact that we did a "no cook" hike for the first time. We decide to ditch the stove, cookware and fuel in exchange for ready to eat food. The ...
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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